Atlantic Region version Française

Car & van rental agency Europcar Fromentine Héliport

Route de la Barre de Monts - D22 Beauvoir sur mer, 85550 FROMENTINE HELIPORT
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Lisa Leroux et Tiphaine Muller
Lisa Leroux et Tiphaine Muller Managers Europcar Fromentine Héliport
Lisa Leroux et Tiphaine Muller Managers Europcar Fromentine Héliport

Informations about this car rental agency

Opening hours

  • To get your vehicle delivered at the heliport, please book it online.

Agency services

Access details

On arriving in La Barre de Monts from Nantes. The heliport of Fromentine is 7-kilometers far from Beauvoir sur mer and 66-kilometers far from Nantes.

How to connect Fromentine from Nantes ?

  • With an Europcar car : rent a car at Europcar Nantes railway station or Airport and leave it at Europcar Fromentine. One-way rental from 72€ !
  • With your personal car : The BODIN car park provides security for your vehicle during your stay in the Ile d'Yeu. 1 400 parking spaces under telesurveillance.
  • With a SNCF coach or a private cab.

Nearest Gas and Charging stations

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Best sellers in Europcar

Advice from your Europcar Atlantique agency

Fromentine heliport, the other point of entry to Ile d'Yeu

Europcar Atlantique does not forget those who choose to connect the Ile d'Yeu by helicopter rather than by boat! The Fromentine Gare Maritime agency offers a delivery / pick-up service for your rental car directly at Fromentine heliport to facilitate all your trips to or from the mainland.
A practical solution that will allow you to organize your trip with confidence to make the most of your stay and the activities offered by the Vendée coast.

Swimming, relaxation and nautical activities will keep you busy on Fromentine beach, while walks on foot or by bike will make you discover the beauty and the two faces of the Ile d'Yeu: a wild rocky coast and Breton landscapes at the West and a dune and green coast like the Vendée in the East. To understand the history of this Ponant island, a detour through the prehistoric sites made up of dolmens and menhirs, the Church of Saint-Sauveur, the Old Castle and the citadel is a must. The lighthouses, beacons, small ports and the Fishing Museum will reveal to you the relationship of the territory to the sea.

In a helicopter :

Connect the Ile d'Yeu by boat:

Eating in Fromentine

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can I rent a specific vehicle model?

Yes. Europcar Fromentine Héliport offers guaranteed models. You can book a specific model as you wish.

How many Europcar rental agencies are in the Vendée department?

14 rental agencies are at your disposal in Vendée, in Fromentine Héliport, in Montaigu, in Fromentine Gare Maritime, in Pouzauges, in Luçon, in Challans, in Les Herbiers, in Saint-Jean-de-Monts, in Chantonnay, in La Roche-sur-Yon, in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie and in Les Sables d'Olonne.

What types of vans do you offer for a move?

Europcar Fromentine Héliport offers 7 capacities of vans for moving. The most rented vans in our agency are 6m310m3 and 12m3.

What is the most popular range of vehicles in the Europcar Fromentine Héliport agency ?

The most rented car on the Europcar Fromentine Héliport agency is the category Economy 3 doors who seduces ur customers with its great handling.

What are the cancellation conditions?

The amount of the rental will be fully refunded if you cancel more than 48 hours before the rental is due to begin. After that time, you will be charged of 50€ or 100€ (depending on the category of the vehicle).

Should I refuel on my return?

Yes, we recommend that you go to the petrol pump before returning the vehicle. If the vehicle is not full, we will charge you for the missing fuel. You can also pre-purchase a full tank of fuel: whatever the level of the tank on your return, you will not have to pay anything.

Do I need a special license to drive commercial vehicles?

No. All our vans are driven with a simple car license (license B in France).

Is there a deposit when picking up the vehicle?

Yes. A deposit of 500 € will be asked you at the departure. It is just a pre-payment authorisation. It will not be charged.
This deposit aims to cover any additional costs during the rental.  

What is the telephone number of the Europcar Fromentine Héliport agency?

The telephone number of the Europcar Fromentine Héliport agency is: 02 51 26 06 70.

What is the address of the Europcar Fromentine Héliport agency?

The address of the Europcar Fromentine Héliport agency is Route de la Barre de Monts - D22 Beauvoir sur Mer - 85550 Fromenine Héliport.

I rent frequently. What advantages can I benefit from?

The Europcar Fromentine Héliport agency offers a loyalty offer called “Véhicule Idéal” which allows you to benefit from a reduction of -20% to -30% on public prices. This offer is available from 25 rental days per year.

Type of vehicles to rent in FROMENTINE HELIPORT

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