Atlantic Region version Française

Car & van rental agency Europcar Saint-Nazaire Nord

Boulevard Brassens ZAC de Grandchamps - Trignac, 44570 TRIGNAC
4.5   -  521 Customer Reviews
David Guhel
David Guhel Manager Europcar Saint-Nazaire
David Guhel Manager Europcar Saint-Nazaire

Informations about this car rental agency

Opening hours

  • Monday-Friday : 8am-7pm
  • Satuday : 8-12am and 2-6.30pm

Agency services

Access details

At McDonald's roundabout

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521 Customer Reviews

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Advice from your Europcar Atlantique agency

Trignac, the former workers' city close to the Brière marshes

The town of Trignac is located 2 km north-east of Saint-Nazaire, between the Loire estuary and the Brière regional natural park.

A former hamlet, its territory once depended on Montoir-de-Bretagne and it was not until the beginning of the 20th century that it became a town in its own right. The city will also celebrate its centenary in 2014.

An industrial city

At the end of the 18th century, the village was surrounded by marshes and its inhabitants practiced hunting and fishing as well as the trade of peat, used as fuel and that of reeds for the construction of the roofs of thatched cottages.

The development of Trignac in the following century was mainly due to the industrial growth of the region, boosted by the Saint-Nazaire Naval Construction Sites, which were for a long time the only place of work.
At the same time, the creation of the Forges de Saint-Nazaire by the Société des Mines de Fer de l'Anjou made Trignac a high place of cast iron and steel production and transformed the village into a working-class city that attracted workers from Morbihan, Ille-et-Vilaine and even northern France. Long prosperous, the steel industry was hit hard by the crisis of 1920, only to come to a standstill in 1943.
In memory of this rich industrial past, the remains of the forges are now preserved. Today, when driving the RN 165 out of Trignac towards Saint-Nazaire, you can clearly see the remains of a blast furnace and puddling ovens.

In the heart of the marshes in the Brière Regional Natural Park

For nature lovers passing through the Trignac and Saint-Nazaire region, a detour through the Brière Regional Natural Park is a must.

The 49,000-hectare site in the heart of the Brie marshes has an astonishing ecological wealth made up of wet meadows, reed beds, mounds and canals which host a very diverse flora and fauna.
Walkers will enjoy walks along the many hiking trails accessible on foot, on horseback or by bike and will enjoy bird watching and discovering the typical thatched villages of the region. Others will undoubtedly be tempted by a trip along the water in a barge, a traditional boat directed by the pole.

Treat yourself to a getaway in the Trignac and Saint-Nazaire region aboard a Europcar Atlantique rental car!

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How much does a car rental cost on average in the Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency ?

A rental car in Saint-Nazaire Nord costs on average 49€ per day.

Can I rent a specific vehicle model?

Yes. Europcar Saint-Nazaire North offers guaranteed models. You can book a specific model as you wish.

How many Europcar rental agencies are near Saint-Nazaire ?

5 rental agencies are at your disposal near Saint-Nazaire, in Saint-Nazaire North, in the Saint-Nazaire railway station, in Pornic and in La Baule.

What types of vans do you offer for a move?

Europcar Saint-Naraire North offers 7 capacities of vans for moving. The most rented vans in our agency are 6m312m3 and 14m3.

What is the most popular range of vehicles in the Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency ?

The most rented car on the Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency is the category Economy 5 doors, suitable for short rides.

How is the Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency rated?

The Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency is rated 4.5 on 5 with 521 customer comments.

What are the cancellation conditions?

The amount of the rental will be fully refunded if you cancel more than 48 hours before the rental is due to begin. After that time, you will be charged of 50€ or 100€ (depending on the category of the vehicle).

Should I refuel on my return?

Yes, we recommend that you go to the petrol pump before returning the vehicle. If the vehicle is not full, we will charge you for the missing fuel. You can also pre-purchase a full tank of fuel: whatever the level of the tank on your return, you will not have to pay anything.

Do I need a special license to drive commercial vehicles?

No. All our vans are driven with a simple car license (license B in France).

Is there a deposit when picking up the vehicle?

Yes. A deposit of 500 € will be asked you at the departure. It is just a pre-payment authorisation. It will not be charged.
This deposit aims to cover any additional costs during the rental. 

What is the telephone number of the Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency?

The telephone number of the Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency is: 02 40 22 96 30.

What is the address of the Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency?

The address of the Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency is Boulevard Brassens - ZAC de Grandchamps Trignac - 44570 Trignac.

I rent frequently. What advantages can I benefit from?

The Europcar Saint-Nazaire North agency offers a loyalty offer called “Véhicule Idéal” which allows you to benefit from a reduction of -20% to -30% on public prices. This offer is available from 25 rental days per year.

Type of vehicles to rent in SAINT NAZAIRE NORD

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