Atlantic Region version Française

Car & van rental agency Europcar Nantes Orvault

310 route de Vannes Forum d'Orvault, 44700 ORVAULT
4.4   -  669 Customer Reviews
Olivier Gaillard
Olivier Gaillard Manager Europcar Orvault
Olivier Gaillard Manager Europcar Orvault

Informations about this car rental agency

Opening hours

  • Monday-Friday : 8-19h
  • Saturday : 8-12h and 14-19h 

Agency services

Access details

West ring road (peripheral) of Nantes - Porte de Sautron

Nearest Gas and Charging stations

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669 Customer Reviews

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Best sellers in Europcar

Advice from your Europcar Atlantique agency

Orvault, fifth city in the agglomeration of Nantes

Orvault was a rural commune until the end of the 1950s, then it experienced great demographic and economic development under the influence of Nantes, which it borders on. With 25,000 inhabitants, Orvault is today the 5th city of the Nantes agglomeration, the 6th of the Loire-Atlantique department.
The neighboring municipalities are Treillières, Nantes, Saint-Herblain, Sautron and Vigneux-de-Bretagne.

The Route de Vannes

With 350 stores, the Route de Vannes is a major shopping area in Nantes Métropole. Note a concentration of furniture, household appliances and car dealerships. The odd numbers of the Route de Vannes are in the town of Saint-Herblain, the peers in Orvault.

Orvault, green city

The town of Orvault has managed to reconcile growth and preservation of heritage, cultural heritage such as the Chapel of the Angels, the Château de la Tour, the town wash house, but also plant heritage. The Cens valley, its many hiking trails, its parks and woods as well as many agricultural areas complete the diversity of Orval's landscapes and make Orvault a real "green lung" for the Nantes conurbation.

Explore the city of Orvault and its surroundings behind the wheel of a Europcar rental car.

Best restaurants in Orvault

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the address of the Europcar Nantes Orvault agency?

The agency Europcar Nantes Orvault is located at 310 route de Vannes - Forum d'Orvault - 44700 Orvault, in the premises of the parent company's headquarters Sepamat.

What is the telephone number of the Europcar Nantes Orvault agency?

The telephone number of the Europcar Orvault agency is: 02 40 63 12 13. Headquarters services are available by phone on 02 40 63 87 25 or by email

I rent frequently. What advantages can I benefit from?

The Europcar Nantes Orvault agency offers a loyalty offer called “Véhicule Idéal” which allows you to benefit from a reduction of -20% to -30% on public prices. This offer is available from 25 rental days per year.

Can I rent a specific vehicle model?

Yes. Europcar Nantes Orvault offers guaranteed models. You can book a specific model as you wish.

How much does a car rental cost on average in the Europcar Nantes Orvault agency ?

A rental car in Nantes Orvault costs on average 49€ per day.

How many Europcar rental agencies are in Nantes?

6 rental agencies are at your disposal in Nantes, in Orvault, in the railway station, in the East of Nantes, route de Paris, in the airport, in the city-centre and in the neighborhood of Chantenay

How is the Europcar Nantes Orvault agency rated?

The Europcar Nantes Orvault agency is rated 4.4 on 5 with 669 customer comments.

What is the most popular range of vehicles in the Europcar Nantes Orvault agency ?

The most rented car on the Europcar Nantes Orvault agency is the category Economy 5 doors, vehicle both practical and comfortable.

What types of vans do you offer for a move?

Europcar Nantes Orvault offers 7 capacities of vans for moving. The most rented vans in our agency are 6m310m3 and 12m3.

What are the cancellation conditions?

The amount of the rental will be fully refunded if you cancel more than 48 hours before the rental is due to begin. After that time, you will be charged of 50€ or 100€ (depending on the category of the vehicle).

Should I refuel on my return?

Yes, we recommend that you go to the petrol pump before returning the vehicle. If the vehicle is not full, we will charge you for the missing fuel. You can also pre-purchase a full tank of fuel: whatever the level of the tank on your return, you will not have to pay anything.

Is there a deposit when picking up the vehicle?

Yes. A deposit of 500 € will be asked you at the departure. It is just a pre-payment authorisation. It will not be charged.
This deposit aims to cover any additional costs during the rental. 

Do I need a special license to drive commercial vehicles?

No. All our vans are driven with a simple car license (license B in France).

Type of vehicles to rent in NANTES ORVAULT

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