Child seat 9€/day
Average price found with other rental companies €15
Low prices for children's equipment
The safety of your child, it does not have price !
With Europcar Atlantique, take your whole tribe with you, without spending money thanks to our small prices on all child equipments.
Before the age of 10, a child must travel in a seat adapted to his age, morpholgy and weight.
Baby baskets, child seats or even booster seats, it's not very easy to understand.
Moreover, these essential equipments can quickly increase the holiday budget for families... Fortunately, that was before!
At Europcar Atlantique, all children's equipments are at low prices : 40 to 70% cheaper than other rental companies on average!
Average price found with other rental companies €15
Average price found with other rental companies €15
Average price found with other rental companies €10
All our equiments are approved and certified to comply with European safety standards.
And, to ensure perfect hygienic conditions, child seats are delivered with a disposable protective cover in its packaging.
This is also the little extra Europcar Atlantique 😉 !