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Moving Van Rental in La Rochelle Gare

Rental agency Europcar La Rochelle Gare
4.6   -  1090 Customer Reviews

Our range of moving vans

For your move, Europcar Atlantique offers a wide range of moving vans from 6 to 30m3. All our moving vans can be drive with a simple car license.

Europcar La Rochelle Gare

Rental agency Europcar La Rochelle Gare

158 bis boulevard Joffre, 17000 LA ROCHELLE GARE
4.6   -  1090 Customer Reviews
Sébastien Delvert
Sébastien Delvert Manager Europcar La Rochelle
Sébastien Delvert Manager Europcar La Rochelle

Informations about this car rental agency

Opening hours

  • Monday-Friday : 8am-7pm
  • Saturday : 9am-1pm and 2-7pm

Agency services

Access details

In front of La Rochelle Railway Station.

Nearest Gas and Charging stations

Customer reviews

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